Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Imlek 'n Cap Go Meh

Hai..Hai..Haaaiii.. come back again with gueeeeee..lg di singkawang nih, buka counter dalam rangka imlek dan cap go meh,hhe..
memang yah,selalu ga pernah janji buat posting setiap bulan, hbs ga pernah sempatt, helloww..mank kmn aja sih riin kok ga pernah sempatt,, yaiyala secara gitu lho kan ud wanita kuriirrr,,eeehh..karir,hhee..*pengennya sih..:p
ok, now.. i'm working at one of big company in indonesia that it have branch office in a whole indonesia island..try guess ajah,hhe.. my brother also.. not for my sister because she is a housewife in mother in law's home.. i hope her husband be extended with his company in japan, maybe..
whereas my mom and mw dad still spend their "masa tua" -i dont know what to say it.. in our lovely home..n still awaiting the birth of their grandson candidates who live several months longer, and so do i laaa,hehe..
yaa..thats all, and i really hope one day we can get together at our home sweet home again in one beautiful moment..
-kiss and love-- (^.^)v